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IMN Single Family Rental Forum (East)

Adam Stern

Adam Stern

CEO, Strata SFR
As a real estate entrepreneur, Adam launched Strata SFR in 2020 after selling a previous company that he co-founded, OwnAmerica, which was one of the first sales platforms designed to market and sell Single Family Rental properties. Strata SFR is a specialized real estate brokerage and marketplace platform covering the Single Family Rental and Build for Rent industry. Adam is a leading expert and sought after speaker and writer on the Single Family Rental and Build-for-Rent market. At Strata, he leads a team that  provides guidance on go-to-market strategies for SFR Portfolio Operators,  Builders and Land Developers who are focused on expanding their volume and revenue by servicing the ever increasing demand for Single Family Rentals (SFR), particularly from large scale investors that own and operate rental homes in US. 

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